Legal Redress Complaint DFW Metro NAACP has connected with Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas to handle Legal Redress Complaints.
Step 1: Please complete the complaint form. CLICK HERE Step 2: You will receive a copy of the complaint form via email. Follow the instructions given to Email the copy to our branch. Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas works to advance and protect the rights of millions of low-income people in North and West Texas by providing free civil legal help through representation and advocacy that meets our mission of ensuring equal access to justice. Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas trabaja para avanzar y proteger los derechos de millones de personas de bajos ingresos en el norte y el oeste de Texas, proporcionando ayuda legal civil gratuita a través de representación y defensa que cumple con nuestra misión de garantizar el acceso igualitario a la justicia. |